Should you feel indebted to your parents?
Is it necessary to feel indebted to your parents? The answer is, a resounding ‘No’. You do not need to feel this way. There can be several reasons why you feel so. Your parents can make you feel this way. The society you thrive in can put you in such situations or maybe it is […]
Unappreciated Work
One of my clients has often complained to me, about frequently feeling overworked and exhausted, managing her household chores. She is a mother of three children and a homemaker. Her daily schedule included: making breakfast to suit everybody’s needs, packing lunches, doing the laundry, cleaning the house, ironing the clean clothes, making dinner and cleaning […]
As per Beyond Blue data, 1 in 16 people in Australia are currently experiencing depression. Those aged 16 to 24 years of age, are reported to be the most seriously affected. That is around 180,000 young Australians! Sounds worrisome. What is true for Australia, is equally true for Sydney! Each one of us has experienced […]