Sometimes answers can be Past Lives and Rebirths
There are many who would believe that past lives and rebirths exist and, many who don’t. I am not here to convince you of either because it is a matter of one’s faith and belief and I am no-one to question them, but I am here to narrate a first-hand experience, and how it may […]
Understanding Karma Through Past Life Regression Therapy
Past-life regression and karma are terms connected with each other, their meaning rooted in spiritual and philosophical traditions worldwide. Though differently explained, they connect on a basic level through the cause-and-effect elements across lifetimes. How these two concepts relate to each other and their implications for personal growth and understanding is discussed below. Understanding […]
What Happens During A Past Life Regression Therapy Session?
Past Life Regression (PLR) is a technique adopted in a hypnotherapy session which takes you on a journey into your subconscious mind. This technique allows you to explore memories and/or experiences from what are believed to be previous lives. It is a fascinating, albeit controversial, practice that has gained attention for its potential to uncover […]